
Policies set rules for how the library will conduct business and bylaws set rules for patrons using the library. To ensure the library meets changing community needs, the library board regularly review and update its policies and bylaws.

This page is currently a work in progress. 

SPPL Collection Management Policy

1. Materials that no longer fit the stated mission and service priorities of the library will be withdrawn from the collection.

2. Items will be reviewed to determine suitability for the collection on the following criteria:

  • physical condition and appearance
  • currency and accuracy of subject matter
  • usage
  • relevance to the needs and interests of the community
  • availability elsewhere, including online

3. Items of local interest including local histories and local authors will be kept in the collection as long as possible, providing they are in good condition and the information in them is still accurate.

4. For the protection of the public, outdated materials (e.g. medical or legal materials more than five years old) will not be sold to the public or donated and will instead be recycled or destroyed. 

Passed: September 2001
Amended: January 17, 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Confidentiality of User Records Policy 

The Stony Plain Public Library (SPPL) is committed to protecting personal privacy. Individuals have the right to privacy as provided for in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by SPPL is done in accordance with FOIP.

This policy must be followed by SPPL employees, trustees, volunteers and by any person working under contract for SPPL who has access to the personal information of customers, staff or volunteers.

SPPL collects and uses personal information for the following purposes:

  • the provision, delivery, management, and communication of library services including but not limited to issuing library cards, purchasing and circulating materials, dealing with customer complaints, collecting fees, facility booking requests, and issuing suspensions.
  • evaluating, planning, and improving services
  • library fundraising

SPPL maintains a list of personal information banks which are collections of electronic and paper records which contain personal information and are organized or retrievable by an individual’s name or other personal identifier. These include all the types of personal information that SPPL records and maintains regarding employees, patrons, vendors/contractors, volunteers, and donors.

SPPL will take steps to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. It will retain the personal information it collects for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it was collected. Once it is no longer required it will be destroyed.

Information banks are the responsibility of the Director of SPPL.

Inquiries about FOIP or the information banks should be referred to the Director.

SPPL collects the personal information in accordance with FOIP.

Examples of when information will be collected include, but are not limited to:

  • when using SPPL’s digital resources
  • when signing up for a library card
  • when using SPPL’s makerspaces, meeting rooms, computers and other equipment ;(i.e. gaming stations)
  • when making donations to SPPL
  • when applying for employment, for the board, or to become a library volunteer
  • when otherwise allowed by law

Personal information collected by SPPL is shared with other public libraries in Alberta through our participation in Yellowhead Regional Library, the TRAC consortium, and The Alberta Library in order to provide library services in partnership with these organizations. SPPL confirms that each of their partners has suitable policies regarding the confidentiality of personal information.

Protection of Personal Information

SPPL protects against the risks of unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or disposal of personal information.

These measures include technological, physical, administrative, and operational safeguards that are appropriate to the nature and format of the personal information.

Passed: February 2000
Amended: January 17, 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Donations Policy


A donation is defined as a gift of money or property to the Stony Plain Public Library without benefit to the donor. The Stony Plain Public Library accepts gifts in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations.

All donations are used by Stony Plain Public Library in accordance with the Board’s goals. The intended use of the donation will be explained to the donor. If the donor does not agree with the intended use, the donation will not be accepted.

Types of donations:

The Stony Plain Public Library encourages and solicits contributions of cash, securities, and personal and real property, as outright donations of through planned gifts in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations. Planned gifts include bequests, life insurance policies, endowments, and gift annuities.

Cash donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Donations of library material:

Donated library material will only be added to the collection if they meet the standards of the Material Selection Policy and will not result in unwanted duplication of the collection. Once the donations have been accepted, they become the property of the Stony Plain Public Library and may be used in any way that the Library Director deems appropriate. They will be evaluated and disposed of in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials.

If a charitable tax receipt is required, the donor must have the items assessed by a recognized assessor and supply the assessment with the donation of the materials.

Donor recognition:

The library will maintain the necessary records of donations.

Donors will be recognized in a manner that is appropriate for the donation. This will be discussed with the donor at the time donation.

All donors will receive a thank-you from the Library Director.

Adopted by the Stony Plain Public Library Board: October 18, 2023

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SPPL Finance Policy


The Stony Plain Public Library Board recognizes its responsibility for the use of SPPL’s resources. Finances are managed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


The financial statements shall be reviewed every year by a person whose qualifications are approved by the town council. The Library Board shall appoint the reviewer annually in November. Competitive bids may be requested by the Board.

The review shall commence as soon as possible after December 31. The reviewer will present the Financial Statement to the Board. After they are approved by the Board, a copy is provided to Public Library Services Branch and the Town of Stony Plain.


Every two years, in June, the Director and the Treasurer will review the banking services provided to the library and make any recommendations for change to the Board.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the library shall be January 1 to December 31 inclusive.


The draft budget is prepared by the Library Director and presented to the Board for discussion and approval at the August Board meeting.

A copy of the budget is presented to the Town Council for funding in September.  A presentation to the Town Council is made by the Board at the invitation of the Town Council.

Signing Authority

Two signatures are required on every cheque. Two approvals are required for EFT transfers.

Signing officers shall be the Director, the Assistant Director, and Board Chair and the Treasurer.

Cheques over $25,000 and cheques made out to the Director require the signature of either the Board Chair or the Treasurer.

No person shall sign a cheque made out to themselves.

Limitation of Authority

A motion of the Board is needed for unbudgeted purchases over $5000.

Disposition of Property

The Library Director has the authority to sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of equipment, material and supplies that are surplus to the needs of SPPL.

Travel Expenses

Board and staff members authorized to attend events shall be paid expenses in accordance with the Travel Allowance Schedule.

The rate for reimbursement is set by the Library Board, based on the rate used by the Town of Stony Plain.

Travel expenses must be submitted to the Library Director within 10 days.

Any travel at the SPPL’s expense will be the most cost-effective option. Individuals may pay the difference for a preferred travel method or accommodation.

Grant Applications

The Library Director is authorized to apply for grants to fund programs or projects in the library that align with the Plan of Service. If a Board motion is required for the application, this may be done by email.


The Library Director and the Treasurer may invest funds not required for immediate investment in savings investments at the library’s regular bank. The Library Director may transfer funds back to the operating account as required.


The Library Board will maintain Directors and Officers liability insurance.

The Town’s insurance policy covers the building, and the library maintains contents insurance.

Passed: April 2001
Amended: March 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Fundraising Policy


The Stony Plain Public Library Board welcomes fundraising efforts by organizations or groups that align with the library’s vision, mission, and plans.

Stony Plain Public Library will raise funds in the areas defined in the Fundraising Plan:

  1. Capital campaigns
  2. Annual campaigns to enrich collections and services
  3. Planned giving for future growth and financial stability.

This policy covers any project that:

  • Involves the use of library resources
  • Requires the library to issue official receipts
  • Targets an audience outside the existing group of the membership that wishes to undertake the project.

Process for approval:

The following projects must be approved by the Stony Plain Public Library Board:

  • an estimated revenue greater than $5,000.00
  • terms and conditions from the organizer
  • scope outside regular library operations.

All other projects must be approved by the Director.


  • Prior approval is required for the creation of material produced in conjunction with the campaign.
  • The Director must approve the use of any library resources involved in the campaign.
  • The Library is not responsible for any costs of fundraising or shortfall in campaign goals.
  • Library policies will be following in expending the funds raised.

The Library:

  • Will not engage in any form of gaming in which there is a risk that public funds may be lost.
  • Will accept grants and donations derived from granting authorities such as the Alberta Lottery Fund
  • Will accept funds from gaming activities conducted according to AGLC: Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis regulations.

Adopted by the Stony Plain Public Library Board: October 18, 2023

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SPPL Public Rules of Conduct

Stony Plain Public Library strives to provide high-quality access to library service to all members of the public. In order to maintain a high-quality library experience, we ask patrons to commit to the following: 

  1. Be courteous and respectful:
    • With both staff and other patrons, use respectful language, volume and tone of voice.
  2. Follow library policies and procedures and other applicable municipal, provincial and federal laws:
    • The consumption of alcohol, cannabis or tobacco products is not allowed in the library
  3. Treat library materials, resources and spaces with care and respect:
    • Stay in designated public areas and use library spaces, equipment and materials for the reasons they were intended.
    • Animals are not allowed in the library except for registered service animals.
    • Drinks are permitted except when using computers and other electronic equipment owned by the library. Food is not permitted except during authorized programs or rentals.
    • Use the internet connection and/or public computers provided in accordance with our Internet Use Policy.
  4. Be responsible for people and possessions in your care:
    • Do not leave children or vulnerable people unattended. Supervise all individuals for whom you are responsible. 
    • The library is not responsible for the welfare of children or vulnerable people left in the library.
    • The library cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items.

The library’s social media space is an extension of the physical space and visitors to our social media spaces are also required to follow the Patron Conduct Policy. 

The library will delete any posts that violate the policy, and violations may result in a suspension of library privileges. 

Passed: December 2001
Amended: April 17th, 2024
Reviewed: April 17th, 2024

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SPPL Reserve Policy


The Stony Plain Public Library Board recognizes that good fiscal management practices consider the creation of reserve funds for unexpected or long-term expenses.  


The SPPL will maintain the following internally-restricted reserve funds: 

  1. Operational Reserves
    1. The purpose of this reserve is to offset operating costs which would be incurred due to funding delays or if the Library should cease operations.
    2. This fund will contain a maximum of 6-months operating budget.
    3. Funds will be added to this reserve by motion of the board after the review of the previous-year’s financial statements.
    4. Funds will be moved from this reserve by motion of the board given the purpose of using this reserve is met as outlined above.
  2. Professional Reserves
    1. The purpose of this reserve is to offset legal, and/or other professional fees not included in normal budgeted operations.
    2. This fund will contain a maximum of $10,000. This number will be reviewed annually to adjust for inflation as needed.
    3. Funds will be added to this reserve by motion of the board after the review of the previous-year’s financial statements.
    4. Funds will be moved from this reserve by motion of the board given the purpose of using this reserve is met as outlined above. The motion can be conducted via email should the situation require expediency.
  3. Capital Reserves
    1. The purpose of this reserve is to fund future technology, furniture and equipment purchases.
    2. This fund will contain a maximum of $100,000.
    3. Funds will be added to this reserve by motion of the board after the review of the previous-year’s financial statements.
    4. Funds will be moved from this reserve by the Director for capital purchases under $5,000, or by a motion of the board for purchases over $10,000. 

Passed: May 2024
Amended: -
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Resource Sharing Policy

SPPL supports resource sharing to provide material that is not available in the library for users with valid library cards.  SPPL lends materials to other libraries through a variety of partnerships and networks.

  1. Through membership in Yellowhead Regional Library, SPPL participates in the Provincial Public Library Network.
  2. Through membership in Yellowhead Regional Library, SPPL participates in the TRAC network, in accordance with the TRAC operational guidelines.
  3. SPPL actively participates in resource-sharing programs and services, including the provincial interlibrary loan program, ME Libraries, and the TAL Card program.
  4. SPPL does not charge another public library for the interlibrary loan service.
  5. SPPL publicizes resource sharing services to library users.

Training staff in resource sharing is the responsibility of the Library Director, in partnership with Yellowhead Regional Library.

Passed: December 2001
Amended: January 17, 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Service to Persons with a Print Disability Policy

  1. A print disability is defined in the Copyright Act as “a disability that prevents or inhibits a person from reading or hearing a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work in its original format, and includes such a disability resulting from:
    • (a) severe or total impairment of sight or hearing or the inability to focus or move one’s eyes,
    • (b) the inability to hold or manipulate a book, or
    • (c) an impairment relating to comprehension.”
  2. SPPL is committed to providing service to persons with a print disability.
  3. Services to persons with a print disability are treated as core services during the planning and budgeting processes.
  4. SPPL will enter partnerships with local, regional, provincial, and national organizations to provide services to persons with a print disability.
  5. Staff members shall be trained on how to provide services to patrons with a print disability. 
  6. As part of its collection management activities, SPPL will include materials in a variety of formats to meet the needs of patrons with a print disability.
  7. The needs of patrons with a print disability will be considered when planning library programs to ensure that patrons with a print disability are able to participate. Program evaluation shall include whether they are effective for participants with print disabilities.
  8. SPPL shall ensure that the library building is accessible to people with print disabilities
  9. The Library Board shall promote library services to persons with print disabilities through a variety of formats.

Passed: January 17, 2024
Amended: -
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Sponsorship Policy


The Library encourages the business community, service clubs and other organizations to sponsor library programs and services.

A sponsorship is a mutually beneficial exchange of value between the sponsor and the Stony Plain Public Library.  Official tax receipts are not issued for sponsorships; however, receipts will be issued for any cash donated to the library as part of a sponsorship agreement.


  • All sponsorship agreements will align with the Library’s vision, mission, and goals.
  • Agreements valued over $5000 must be approved by the Library Board.
  • All other sponsorship agreements must be approved by the Library Director.
  • There will be a written agreement defining the terms of the sponsorship.
  • Sponsorships cannot be made conditional on Library performance outcomes.
  • Sponsorships have no impact on the Library’s policies.
  • If a sponsorship agreement limits the Library’s ability to enter into an agreement with another organization, the exclusivity must be clearly defined in the agreement.
  • The Library does not endorse any sponsor’s products or services.
  • Any use of the Library’s name or logo must be approved by the Director.

Sponsor recognition:

Appropriate recognition for sponsorships will be negotiated and included in the sponsorship agreement.


The Stony Plain Public Library Board reserves the right to terminate sponsorship agreements which no longer support the interests of the Library. This termination may involve the removal of the sponsor’s name from all recognition.

Adopted by the Stony Plain Public Library Board: October 18, 2023

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SPPL Staff Orientation and Training Policy 

The SPPL Board recognizes the importance of staff training. Within budget limitations, it provides orientation programs; support for attendance at library conferences, workshops, and library-related courses, and institutional membership in library organizations.


New employees are provided with orientation and training to prepare them to support the library’s goals.

  • Orientation and training is the responsibility of the Library Director and includes:
  • The role of the library in the community
  • Partnerships with other organizations to provide service to the community.
  • Responsibilities of board and staff
  • Policies
  • Plan of service
  • Specific training for the position


SPPL recognizes the need for ongoing training for library staff to adapt to changes in services, programs and the library and information environment.

The approval of training for staff members is the responsibility of the Director.

Within budget limitations, this may include meetings, workshops, and conferences.

With prior approval of the Director, and in accordance with procedures, expenses incurred by staff members for travel, meals, lodging, and registration fees may be reimbursed.

Passed: January 2016
Amended: January 17, 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Trustee Orientation and Training Policy

The SPPL board recognizes the need for orientation of new board members and for ongoing development of skills and knowledge relating to their roles as board members.

The board is responsible for providing resources and materials for orientation and training of board members.


Each board member will have access to the following information:

  • bylaws and policies
  • municipal bylaw establishing the municipal library board
  • rules of order for board meetings
  • the responsibilities and roles of trustees including ethical responsibilities and fiduciary duty
  • the names and contact information for board members, and their terms and end dates.
  • budget and financial statements
  • plan of service
  • Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation
  • membership in Yellowhead Regional Library

The orientation process is the responsibility of the chair, treasurer, and the library manager. This process includes an explanation of the information available to the board member and a tour of the library.

Continuing Education

The SPPL board recognizes the importance of having informed board members. To ensure this, the board provides, within financial limits, support for attendance at library conferences and relevant workshops and membership in library organizations.

In accordance with financial procedures, expenses incurred by individual board members for travel, subsistence, lodging, and registration fees are reimbursed, within budgetary limits.

Association Memberships

The SPPL board will pay for association memberships for the library as determined by value to the library and financial constraints.

Passed: September 2001
Amended: January 17, 2024
Reviewed: -

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SPPL Volunteer Policy


Stony Plain Public Library believes in the value of volunteers as an expression of community support for the library.  Volunteer activity is undertaken freely and without financial gain.

Volunteers allow the Library to extend service beyond that which can be managed by paid staff.

Volunteers serve the Library as required to further the Library’s mission, vision, and goals.  They may be asked to leave if their behaviour does not contribute to the Library’s success.

Internships, Practicums and Volunteer Referral programs:

Some volunteers are not recruited by the library; they are referred by schools, post-secondary institutions, and other referral programs.

For these volunteers, signed agreements are required between the library and the institution or program, identifying areas of responsibility, and the time commitment of library staff.

Role of volunteers:

Volunteers will provide services that are in addition to those offered by paid staff.  They will not be used to replace paid staff.

Volunteer positions will have a basic job description that includes expectations and time commitments.


The Library Director is responsible for the recruitment of volunteers.

Any volunteer who is under 18 requires written consent from a parent or guardian.

Volunteers with the library cannot simultaneously be a member of the Stony Plain Library Board.


Volunteers working with confidential information or vulnerable populations must provide a criminal record check.  The Stony Plain Public Library will provide a volunteer letter to waive the fee.

Volunteers will sign a registration form, acknowledging that:

  • They accept the position and will perform reliably,
  • They will follow organizational policies,
  • They will maintain the required level of confidentiality.

Adopted by the Stony Plain Public Library Board: October 18, 2023

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